Monday, December 16, 2013

The Quest of Sir Luke

Dear Readers,  

I am so sorry, but we have been so busy that I haven't gotten enough time to get to the blog.  Sometimes I want to write on it, but then me and my mom forget or Mom says, "no".  

Now, for a story from my imagination...

Sir Luke Battles the Evil Dragon Wizard
(and saves the Lion Queen) 

Once upon at a time, there was a knight.  His name was Sir Luke.  He rode a black horse.  But, one day, the Evil Dragon Knights captured the Lion Queen.

Sir Luke went off to save the queen.  He journeyed far until he arrived with his troops at the Evil Dragon Wizard's castle.  The Evil Dragon Wizard stood in the mist.

Sir Luke and his troops got so close to the castle that they could see the Lion Queen in the fog.

Sir Luke jumped off his horse...

...and began to climb the stairs.

Sir Luke reached the castle's second floor and began to fight the Evil Knights and Wizard.  He knocked the Dragon Knights off the castle and they ran for cover, so they did not get hit by the Wizard's blasts.  (The Wizard was fighting Sir Luke and kept missing.)

Sir Luke knocked the Wizard down and broke his staff.  He rescued the Lion Queen and took over the castle and kingdom.  He ruled it with the Lion Queen.

Can you spy something new about the castle?  

Look back at the second picture.  Now look at the one above.  Do you see a difference?  If you do, please tell me.  (Next time, I will reveal the answer.)

Do you like Legos?  Do you like the Middle Ages?
What word does siege come from?  
(I know.  But, do you.)